Thursday, December 01, 2005

Right Kind of Wrong...

Wow...that song is old...but I love it...still love the movie as well. That is what I feel like right now...some people are just the "right kind of wrong"--well maybe just one person in particular. I'm sure most of you are wondering what she is talking about. is a little too complicated to type in some ways in other ways not but very personal.

I'm so glad it is the weekend. The leaves here at the house need to be raked but...I've want to get my Christmas decorations up so I think I'm going to leave the leaves where they aren't...they're not going anyway and get Christmas decorations up first then if I have time rake. :)

I love the holiday season; however, I'm afraid that we may get so caught up in the business of the season that we really forget why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Where would we be without God's gift that He gave us...have you ever really thought about that. What would we have to look forward to? We need to be thankful that God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and make sure that we give we are supposed to give back to God. I hope everyone's holiday season is wonderful!! Take time to truly give God praise for what He has done!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy - just wanted to take a break from papers to say hello and Happy Advent!!! Be sure to keep me in your thoughts; I have 5 papers and a final due in the next two weeks - yikes??!!?