Friday, June 01, 2007


I hate waiting sometimes...Right now I'm waiting to hear back from my job interview on Thursday. I just want to know did I get the job did I not get the job...either way...I hate waiting. Today I received some news that I pretty much knew about already...don't really know how I'm supposed to feel about that...I am supposed to be numb, hurt, angry, or what...I don't really know. In the words of Scarlett O'Hara..."oh well, I won't think about that today...I'll worry about it tomorrow" I guess time will tell!


Mandy Mc said...

Okay, you didn't mention this news on the phone. You MUST fill me in tomorrow. YAY for seeing YOU!!!

Mandy Mc said...

Ummm....we haven't heard from you. How was the interview and how is life trying to pack up in LA? I love you and REALLY enjoyed getting to spend time with you on Tuesday!!!

Mandy Mc said...

Please post! I even tagged you to write 50 things about yourself. That should be fun! I want to hear all about your new job and such...