Monday, May 14, 2007

Church Etiquette

I was looking up a church's website and came across this etiquette lesson. I found it amusing! Hope you do as well

Church Etiquette

You should you never enter a church down the center aisle. If you see chairs or benches on the side walls at church, they are generally reserved for the elderly or ill. It's confusing to know when to sit and when to stand in church. If in doubt, you should stand. If you arrive at church late you should enter, but stand to the back and be as quiet as possible. When sitting, it is generally considered too casual to cross your legs in most churches. For Sunday services most churches prefer you dress nicely, not formally, with clothing appropriate for "meeting God". If you attend a new church and aren't sure how to "do" things, observe and follow the lead of other church members.


Mandy Mc said...

I like the new layout. And your church etiquette find is pretty golden as well.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with all that...that's how we do it at my church!!! NOT!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.