Monday, March 26, 2007

Short Update

Spring Break is over....:( I had a good time away from my normal schedule of school. It was nice to be able to sleep late and run errands during school hours and not late in the afternoon! This week went by way too fast though...I didn't get everything accomplished that I had wanted to do but I did get a lot done. So that is a plus. I was able to see a few friends that I haven't seen in a while and catch up with them so that was fun!

However, it was a difficult week....spiritually. We have been praying for revival for our junior high and high school students and have been seeing some fruits from the prayer and work we've been doing, but this past week was tough....very tough...I don't know if it was just being out
normal routine or what...

Today is back to regular routine....but only 9 weeks of school left!!! I'm so excited!! :) Alright well, I know it is not much of an update but I wanted to let all my avid readers know what was going on!

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