Thursday, March 01, 2007


....and did my Savior bleed....

I love that hymn and to be quite honest I have no idea of why it popped into my head just then. I was getting ready to type an update and that song started going through my head. hmmm.

There isn't a whole lot to update on right now. Things here are busy as usualy but good. I am recovering from the stomach virus---ugh! It has not been fun but I'm managing. Right now I'm trying to regain my energy of course that becomes difficult to do whenever one must continue to work. I'm ready for the weekend; however, my weekend is going to be a busy one! This Saturday is our Rummage Sale for the youth at church and since I'm in charge of fundraising for the youth I get the joy of being there at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning! I'm so excited...can't you tell! Once it is finished it will be the usual Saturday cleaning and getting ready for the next weekend whenever David's work's crawfish boil is at my house...I love crawfish season! :) After that will be a long week at school because we get out for Spring Break the next weekend!!! I'm so excited! I don't really have plans for spring break other than relaxing!!!!

Well....I must go algebra class is coming in and it is time for me to teach once again....

Hope all is doing well!!

1 comment:

hannah/sk's mommy said...

I hope you feel better soon! I understand - Scott and I both just had the flu. I love you! Have a great week!