Friday, June 16, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Hello all! I am typing this from my sister's house in Ashville, Alabama! I'm so excited to be back in Alabama. Just seeing the sign "Welcome to Alabama" brought a smile to my face! I always want to move back especially when I go to or through Birmingham! :) But whenever I get back to LA I can't imagine leaving.

Things are going well for the most part. However, somethings have changed drastically in just a week's time. So much that it is hard for me to believe. I have found myself asking "What am I supposed to do?....walk away or stand my ground and fight..." I still am not sure...


Criddy said...

You should sent out an actual e-mail there friend so that you can spill your guts. I'll try and call you next week while I'm spending my life in a car driving. It's going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of you with the newest arrival! I am quite jealous of Melissa you know :-)

Anonymous said...

someone needs to update ASAP. i need to know how your life be...