Abba Father...
"Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." ~Proverbs 4:23
Last night as I was reading this verse the the next few that followed it something stuck out to me. Why is the heart so important? A wellspring is the source of water which is needed for human life--our heart is the source of us. Yes, our heart is needed for our physical life, but it is our main source of integellience for our spiritual life. Our heart is easily corrupted and therefore needs to be heavily guarded. The things of the world can easily penetrate our heart and filter into our lives sometimes without us even realizing what is really going on--other times we knowingly let that stuff in.
For me the realization was there has been a time in my life where my heart was very guarded. All that mattered to me was what God wanted me to do, where He would have me go, and listening to Him. Even though there were so many things of the world going around me my heart was so guarded that my eyes were fixed on Him. Slowly, I let my heart down and the things of the world started filtering in and my eyes shifted. For the past couple of months I have often thought about the time when my heart was guarded and I so strong in the Lord--and last night when my world was "crumpling" I did what a lot of people and cried out to God. My answer came in Proverbs 4:23--"Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." I have to get back to my first love--my one true love--even if that means cutting some ties with some. I must follow God's will for my life and not my own will.
"Abba Father, my defender,
You are holy, I surrender,
For in my weakness you protect me
And when my heart strays you You correct me.
I cry Abba Father, I love you, Daddy
Abba Father, I love you, I love you
Abba Father, I love you, Daddy
Abba Father, I love you, I love you--Daddy."